# 日本逛吃图鉴 # Watching the Olympics, let’s have a bowl of Japanese MYOJO star’s instant udon noodle soup! Shrimp flavor, cook for a few minutes like normal instant noodles, and add all kinds of vegetables you like. The udon noodles are thick and smooth, and the soup is delicious.
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 看奥运饿了来一碗日本MYOJO明星的速食乌冬汤面吧!鲜虾风味,正常方便面那样煮几分钟,加入自己喜欢的各种蔬菜就好,乌冬面是粗粗滑滑的很劲道,汤头也很鲜美,属于性价比还不错的一碗速食面。