# 日本逛吃图鉴 # Another package of Miso-flavored instant ramen from Sanyo Foods in Japan, 1 knife a package is economical and doesn't feel distressed. I usually get a pack when I'm hungry at night, and eat it as a late-night snack. The taste is the same. Normal fast food noodles are not particularly delicious, but they are not unpalatable. They are filling and the price is good.
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 再来一包味增口味的日本三洋食品的速食拉面,1刀一包经济实惠吃起来不心疼。我通常也就是晚上饿了的时候弄一包,当夜宵吃,味道嘛也就是那么回事,正常快餐面,不会特别好吃,但也不会难吃,就是填填肚子,性价比不错。