# 日本逛吃图鉴 # To make sushi, the quality of the rice must be very good, and the sushi will be delicious. Japan's jinmi NISHIKI is very famous for its highest grade rice. It is fragrant and has distinct grains, but it is very sticky. It is easy to knead into rice balls and make sushi. Small tip: The ratio of rice to water when cooking rice is the best ratio of one and a half cups of rice to 2 cups of water!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 做寿司一定要大米的品质特别好,做寿司才会好吃。日本锦米NISHIKI 最高特级大米非常有名,煮出来香气四溢颗粒分明,但是粘性又特别好,容易捏成饭团做成寿司。小tip:煮饭的时候米和水的比例一杯半的米和2杯水的比例是最好的!