# 亚米返校季 # Wufu egg yolk crisp has never been disappointing. The new black gold flavor has a richer taste! Adding banana and walnut fillings can clearly taste the taste, and the ingredients are very real! There is also a layer of glutinous snow Meiniang I like very much, the layers are clear and the taste is good! Great for breakfast or afternoon tea! Products I repurchase often 👍
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# 亚米返校季 # 五福蛋黄酥一直都没让人失望,新入的黑金口味,口感更丰富! 添加了香蕉和核桃内馅,都能明显的吃出味道,用料非常实在!还有糯糯的一层雪媚娘太喜欢了,层次分明味道又好!拿来当早餐或下午茶点都非常棒!时常回购的产品👍