# 亚米返校季 # Some time ago, I often watched everyone bask in / praise aftertaste Zan·duck blood vermicelli soup. Nahe Yami is often out of stock. Last month finally let me grab two boxes when I was restocking. A box of 7.99. This price is not cheap. But I heard that it is because the ingredients in it are genuine. Open the package and take a look. There are sweet potato vermicelli, braised duck blood buns, diced oil, braised anorectal buns and chili oil. Servings are plentiful. I also added some extra cabbage and eggs myself today. The food is really full. Very satisfied. The duck blood tastes really tender. The bite is as slippery as Jelly's. And it doesn't taste fishy at all. Then the duck anus was a little too salty for me. So-so didn't surprise me. The duck intestines are not bad. It would be even better if there are more Q bombs. Buttercup is delicious too. Soup base is great. It's not like a fragrance at all. It's like making a soup by yourself. The chili oil packets delivered are delicious. It is recommended to add a little more. Too much will overwhelm the taste of the duck soup. Sweet potato fans are my favorite noodles. So compliment it too. I think if you haven't tried it, you should try it. My friends in Nanjing all say the taste is very authentic. It is also considered to eat local famous snacks at home.
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# 亚米返校季 # 前段时间经常看大伙晒/夸回味赞·鸭血粉丝汤. 奈何亚米上经常断货. 上个月终于也让我在补货的时候抢了两盒了. 一盒7.99. 这价格不算便宜. 但是听说是因为里面的食材都是货真价实. 打开包装看下. 里面有红薯粉丝、卤鸭血包、小油丁、卤肛肠包和辣油. 份量都很足. 我今天自己还额外加了些小白菜和鸡蛋. 吃的真的好饱.好满足. 鸭血口感真的很嫩滑. 咬起来跟Jelly一样滑溜溜的. 而且味道完全不腥. 然后鸭肛对我太咸了些.马马虎虎没有很惊艳到我. 鸭肠还不错.如果再Q弹一些就更好了. 小油丁也是美味. 汤底很赞. 完全不是香精那种味道. 很像自己煲出来那种汤感. 配送的辣油包很香. 建议加一点就好. 太多的话就盖过鸭汤的味道了. 红薯粉丝是我爱吃的面. 所以对它也是赞美的. 我觉得没试过的有机会一定也要试试. 我南京的朋友们都说味道很正宗. 也算在家里吃下当地有名的小吃了.