# 亚米返校季 #Xu Fu Ji's pineapple cake is a very classic dessert that is always prepared at home. This pineapple cake is a thick-cut version, which is super satisfying to eat! The outer skin has a strong milky fragrance and is crispy to the point of slag. It's sweet and sour in one bite, with some fibrous chewiness. The ingredients used winter melon and pineapple jam. Although it is not 100% pineapple filling, it tastes good. I especially like the crispy skin, which is very creamy.
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# 亚米返校季 #徐福记的凤梨酥是非常经典的点心,家中常备。这个凤梨酥是厚切版的,吃起来超满足!外皮有浓浓的奶香味,酥到掉渣。一口咬下去酸酸甜甜的,还有一些纤维的嚼感。 配料用了冬瓜和凤梨果酱,虽然不是百分百的凤梨馅,但味道还不错。特别喜欢这个酥脆的外皮,奶香味很足。