# 亚米返校季 # My Northeastern classmates gave me a powerful Amway drink: Qiulingwass! It is said to be a drink introduced to Harbin from Russia The children in the northeast seem to have drunk it. Authentic kvass is made from rye bread Fermented carbonated beverages with low alcohol content Qiuling Gas has been modified to be non-alcoholic, with a bread-like aroma This is also the biggest feature of Kvass. I'm so full of gas, I burp like I drink beer. It's not very sweet, and the calories are only 40. Don't say anything, do this cup of kvass! My classmates didn't lie to me! Bread and soda are two completely unrelated flavors How can they fit together so harmoniously? Please take my knee!
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yami_featured_image # 亚米返校季 # 我的东北同学给我强势安利了一种神奇饮料: 秋林格瓦斯! 据说是从俄罗斯引进到哈尔滨的饮料 东北小朋友好像都喝过 。 正宗的格瓦斯是由黑麦面包制成 含低度数酒精的发酵碳酸饮料 秋林格瓦斯经过改良不含酒精,带面包的香味 这也是格瓦斯的最大特点。 气超级足,像喝啤酒一样一口下去就会打嗝 不会很甜,卡路里竟然只有40, 什么都不说了,干了这杯格瓦斯! 同学没有骗我! 面包和汽水两个完全不相干的味道 居然能如此融洽的结合在一起 请收下我的膝盖!