# 亚米返校季 #After eating Tang Daren once, I feel that all the instant noodles I bought were in vain 😂 The classic Japanese-style tonkotsu ramen I bought this time is different from ordinary instant noodles in that it comes with a soup bag, which can smell very fragrant Japanese-style ramen soup as soon as it is opened. The boiled soup is also very rich and tastes like stock. I tried boiled and microwaved, and the noodles look crystal clear and smooth. This soup base is really a plus, it tastes great even without any meat or vegetables. I can only describe this bowl of instant noodles as "delicious enough to finish the soup". # 温暖小厨房 #
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yami_featured_image # 亚米返校季 #吃了一次汤达人后感觉以前的泡面都白买了😂 这次买的经典款日式豚骨拉面,和一般泡面不同的是带有一个汤包,一打开就能闻到很香的日式拉面汤味。煮出来的汤汁也非常浓郁,味道像高汤一样。 试过煮的和微波炉加热泡的,面条看起来都很晶莹剔透,Q弹爽滑。 这个汤底真的很加分,即使不加任何肉和菜吃起来也很赞。我只能用“好吃到连汤都要喝完”来形容这碗泡面了。# 温暖小厨房 #