#亚米返校季 ##一秒变好吃 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation2170b46ae038472195 I met the long-lost Demae Ideo on Yami, and I tried three different flavors at once. My favorite is the pork bone soup! The most amazing thing is its secret sauce package (except with sesame oil that I didn’t have before), once you add it in, the whole house will be fragrant, and the kitchen boy will immediately become a chef😅! Add dried razor clams to the soup and cook together, add an egg, add noodles, seasoning packets and secret sauce as soon as the water boils, sprinkle with a handful of chive flowers, and eat a bowl of fragrant and nutritious noodles right away 😋!
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# 亚米返校季 ## 一秒变好吃 # # 即食美味 # 在亚米上遇见了久违的出前一丁,一下子试了三种不同的口味,最爱的还是猪骨浓汤口味!最神奇的是它的秘制调味酱包(以前吃的除了跟麻油没有这酱包),一加进去满屋飘香,厨房小白马上变大厨😅!汤里加了蛏子干一起煮,打入一鸡蛋,水一开加入面条、调料包和秘制酱料,撒上一把韭菜花,一碗香喷喷而且不失营养的面条立马开吃😋!