# 亚米返校季 ## 2021赏月计划 # Preserved eggs are a rarity in other states🤫, so you have to buy them when they are in stock! When you have no appetite, cook a preserved egg and lean meat porridge to warm your stomach! Really comfortable after eating! It's very easy to cook in the dormitory! Now the packaging is better, each is individually sealed packaging, reducing bacterial invasion, more hygienic and more conducive to preservation! 6 in a box! Cost-effective! Highly recommend 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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# 亚米返校季 ## 2021赏月计划 # 在外州皮蛋又是个稀罕物了🤫,所以有货的时候就得赶紧买! 没啥胃口时煮个皮蛋瘦肉粥暖暖胃!吃完真的很舒心!很简单在宿舍也能轻轻松松煮起来! 现在包装更好了,每个都是独立密封包装,减少了细菌侵入,更卫生也更利于保存!一盒共6个!性价比高!非常推荐🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟