# 2021赏月计划 #陈云宝泉玉丹波❤️It doesn’t seem to be as amazing as the legend⁉️ I have seen many people recommend this dessert before A while ago, Yami directly entered four models And this Royal Danbo is said to be one of the top two flavors But maybe the higher the expectations, the higher the disappointment value will be. This dessert has won the highest honor in the Japanese Wagashi Contest The main ingredients are white phoenix bean paste, raw cheese, cream and red beans The outer skin is golden puff pastry Inside is red bean cheese No heat when first eaten Soy and milk aromas are mild easy to disperse when eating Feels like it doesn't melt in your mouth Then microwaved it The inward taste becomes more delicate The aroma of soy and milk suddenly became rich not very sweet taste good but not amazing slightly disappointed Not as good as the dim sum of the three cake houses Shouldn't repurchase again‼ ️ # 亚米返校季 #
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# 2021赏月计划 #陈允宝泉御丹波❤️似乎也没传说中那么惊艳⁉️ 之前看了超多人推荐这款点心 前阵子亚米直接入了四款 而这款御丹波据说是排名前二的口味之一 但可能期待越高、失望值也会越高吧 这款点心曾获日本和果子大赛最高荣誉 主要原料是白凤豆沙、生乳酪、奶油和红豆 外皮是金黄色的酥皮 内陷是红豆乳酪 第一次吃时没加热 豆香和奶香都很淡 吃时容易散 感觉没有入口即化 后来微波炉加热了一下 内陷口感变得更细腻 豆香和奶香顿时变得浓郁 不是很甜 味道还不错 但也没有很惊艳 稍微有点失望 不如三位酥屋的点心好吃 应该不会再回购‼️ # 亚米返校季 #