# 2021赏月计划 #A Lanzhou beef noodle super like Vietnamese beef noodle ❤️ Cheap, big bowl, delicious‼ ️‼ ️ This Akuan's Lanzhou Beef Noodles was grown in the Yami review area, cheap, big bowl, delicious, and it didn't disappoint at all! Its normal price is only $1.59, but it tastes much better than many expensive fast food. Whether it is the beginning of school or the festival, it can be used as a standing fast food to stock up. Next, let's evaluate this Lanzhou beef ramen in detail for the babies! 🍀Ingredients and practices The packaging of this noodles is relatively simple, but there are a lot of ingredients. In addition to the noodles, there are three packets of spices: beef bone soup packet, spicy oil packet, and chopped green onion packet. Its noodles are non-fried. In fact, they are not like ramen noodles, but more like Vietnamese rice noodles. They have a strong texture and good taste. Don’t think of them as ramen noodles, but as beef noodles! The method is very simple, boil a pot of water, put the noodles and seasoning packet into a bowl, pour enough boiling water to cover the noodles, cover and wait for 5 minutes, then mix well and serve. Note that this noodle is not recommended for cooking. 🍀 Actual taste Their beef bone soup dumplings are so fragrant 😋, although there is only a small package, the beef soup is fragrant after soaking. Although I have never eaten real Lanzhou noodles, this soup base is very similar to my Lanzhou noodles in various places in China. The beef ramen soup tasted, and the refreshing rice noodles-like noodles are particularly delicious. Babies who like the ingredients can cook the side dishes in advance and then put them into the noodle bowl to soak together. It is very delicious. 100% recommended‼ ️‼ ️ # 亚米返校季 #
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# 2021赏月计划 #一款超像越南牛肉粉的兰州牛肉面❤️便宜、大碗、好吃‼️‼️ 这款阿宽的兰州牛肉面是在亚米评论区种草的,便宜、大碗、好吃,完全没有令人失望!它的正常售价只要$1.59,但味道却比很多贵的速食好很多,无论是开学还是过节,可以作为常备速食囤货。接来下就给宝宝们详细测评下这款兰州牛肉拉面吧! 🍀食材与做法 这款面的包装相对简陋一点,但料包却不少,除了面之外有三包调料:牛骨汤包、辣油包、葱花包。它家的面是非油炸的,其实不像拉面,更像越南米粉,口感劲道,味道不错,不要想像成拉面而是想像成牛肉粉就对了! 做法非常简单,煮开一壶水,将面和调料包放入碗里倒入足量的沸水没过面条,加盖等待5分钟口倒后拌匀即可开食。注意这款面不推荐煮食。 🍀实际口感 它家的牛骨汤包太香了😋,虽然只有小小一包,但是泡开后牛肉汤香味扑鼻,虽然没有吃过真正的兰州拉面,但这个汤底很像我在国内各地兰州拉面馆吃到的牛肉拉面汤味,配上爽口劲道的似米粉般的面特别吸味,喜欢料的宝宝们可以提前将配菜水煮熟然后再放入面碗中一起泡,非常好吃,百分百推荐‼️‼️ # 亚米返校季 #