# 2021赏月计划 # You can easily drink the poplar nectar only available in dessert shops at home‼ ️🥭🥥🍮 I have never drunk Yangzhi nectar before I only know that it is a very popular summer dessert in Hong Kong It is said that its name was inspired by the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva I don't know how fast desserts will be with a try attitude Yami's 50% off the poplar nectar of this treasure. The result was unexpectedly delicious, I drank two boxes in one go‼ ️😋 The packaging looks very textured Contains an airtight bowl for dessert and a small cup of coconut milk Tear open the packaging of the sealed bowl What catches the eye is the bright yellow sago good looks looks appetizing Sprinkle with coconut milk Take a bite, the mouth is smooth sour and sweet very amazing super delicious low heat no burden at all It is said to be chilled Add some mango meat to taste better It is very suitable for dinner with family and friends as dessert after dinner‼ ️ # 亚米返校季 #
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# 2021赏月计划 # 在家也可以轻松喝到甜品店才有的杨枝甘露‼️🥭🥥🍮 以前没有喝过杨枝甘露 只知道是香港很受欢迎的消暑甜品 据说它的名字灵感来自于观音菩萨 不知道速食的甜品会如何 抱着试试的态度 亚米五折秒杀入了这款宝之素的杨枝甘露 结果出乎意料地好喝 一口气喝了两盒‼️😋 看包装很有质感 内含一个装甜品的密封碗以及一小杯椰浆 撕开密封碗的包装 映入眼帘的是黄澄澄亮晶晶的西米露 颜值颇高 看起来很有食欲 撒上一层椰浆 吃一口,入口顺滑 酸酸甜甜 非常惊艳 超级好喝 热量也不高 完全没啥负担 据说冰镇一下 加点芒果肉会更好喝哦 很适合过节和家人朋友们聚餐当餐后甜品哦‼️ # 亚米返校季 #