波路梦 This chocolate wafer roll is super delicious crispy crust Filled with chocolate, there are also small pieces of almonds hidden in it It tastes very rich and not too sweet Too bad there are only 6 in a bag It's over in two clicks 😄 During the Mid-Autumn Festival, you must also prepare some snacks to enjoy the moon with relatives and friends! #波路梦 # #月是故乡明 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation6c4d9e00914d4625b
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波路梦家的这款巧克力威化卷超级好吃 酥脆的外壳 內馅满满的巧克力里面还隐藏着杏仁小碎碎 吃起来口感非常丰富 而且不会很甜 可惜一袋里面只有6根 两下就消灭完了😄 中秋佳节一定也要备点小零食跟亲朋好友一起赏月哦! # 波路梦 # # 月是故乡明 # # 2021赏月计划 #