# 2021赏月计划 # Pocky Chocolate Butter Milk Coated Graham Cookie Bars 2 Pack This pack of Pocky is one of many Pocky flavors from Yami. When I bought it, I just wanted to give it a try, because in my experience, all foods related to whole wheat, although they are mainly healthy, have a bad taste. Not much, haha. But facts speak louder than words, and when experience is wrong, this graham cracker stick subverts my cognition. When I took the first bite, my eyes and pupils were dilated. It was really delicious. Unexpectedly delicious. It may also be that the expectations are not high, and the surprise is high! What amazes me about this Pocky cookie bar is not the chocolate butter milk coating, but the graham cracker stick. Subtlety, I actually like this new flavor, Chocolate Butter Whole Wheat Pocky, more than the classic milk chocolate Pocky. Maybe there's a butter boost too, so the plain chocolate adds another mellow flavor. Without further ado, it was quickly included in my repurchase series, such a delicious whole grain food, I recommend it to everyone! You can't go wrong with this one for the Mid-Autumn Festival gift 😊
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# 2021赏月计划 # Pocky百奇 巧克力黄油牛奶涂层全麦饼干棒 2包入 这包百奇是亚米众多百奇口味里的一种,买的时候只是抱着试一试的心情,因为以我的经验,但凡和全麦扯上关系的食物,虽然主打健康,但是口感都不怎么样,哈哈。 但事实胜于雄辩,经验也有出错的时候,这款全麦饼干棒就颠覆了我的认知,吃第一口的时候,眼睛瞳孔都放大了,实在太好吃了,就是那种出乎意料的好吃。也可能是期望不大,惊喜就高吧! 这款百奇饼干棒惊艳我的地方并不在于巧克力黄油牛奶涂层,而是在于那根全麦饼干棍,口感很脆,略带点硬硬的感觉,一切刚刚好,这就是全麦的微妙之处,比起那款经典牛奶巧克力百奇,我竟然更喜欢这款新口味,巧克力黄油全麦百奇。 也许还有黄油的加持,所以让单纯的巧克力又增添了一丝醇厚的味道。 二话不说,迅速列入我的回购系列,这么好吃的全麦食物,推荐给大家! 中秋好礼选这款不会错哦😊