Yami Labs Lazy Hot Pot Ultimate Test

Today, let's take the ultimate test of lazy hot pot

Materials: cauliflower, shredded pickled cabbage, coriander, canned fish (I wanted to add sausage, but the left one was eaten and forgot), shrimp

Put everything in the box like this, but the box is a bit small so some dishes are out

Wait next⌛️











Cooked, the cauliflower is a little hard, but it's okay, the sauerkraut and coriander are very soft

Look at the shrimp again, um, failed, not cooked, use that kindcookedThe scary should be better

Because there is no place to put the potato flour, I take it out and cook it a little to soften it, and put it in after the dish is finished

End of experiment


1: Cooking fresh vegetables is no problem, but some dishes that are more difficult to cook still cannot be cooked directly in a lazy pot


2: Failed to cook raw prawns, but usecooked Shrimp should be fine

3: Similarly, it may be enough to cook raw hot pot with meat.

4: The box is too small to cook too much

5: Because it uses canned meat, the meat is relatively minced, or sausage or lunch meat is better< /p>

Hiccup, the last lazy pot was eaten today, just sauce, bye(Д)

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亚米实验室 懒懒人火锅终极考验




















1: 煮新鲜蔬菜是没问题的,不过部分比较难煮的菜还是不能直接用懒人锅煮

2: 煮生虾肉失败,不过用cooked的虾仁应该没问题

3: 同理可得,煮生火锅涮肉估计够呛

4: 盒子太小煮不了太多东西

5: 因为用的是罐头肉,所以肉比较碎,还是用香肠或者午餐肉比较好
