There is a hair dye I must recommend recommending! ! ! DONGSUNG's Jelly Mask from Korea! Picture 2 is the color of my hair before dyeing. Picture 3 after dyeing, it can be said to be very colorful! It looks even better after washing! I went to buy food yesterday and was asked by 4 girls where my hair was dyed. I thought it was in a barbershop. After I said that I dyed it myself, the girls exclaimed.. I also like this color very much. Every day is a good mood. It's totally worth buying and buying by girls who love beauty. I also bought other colors, ready to try them one by one.
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有一款染发剂我一定要推荐推荐推荐!!!韩国DONGSUNG的果冻面膜!图二是我染发前的颜色..图三染之后的样子,可以说很上色! 洗过之后更好看!昨天去买饭,被4个女生问头发在那里染的,原本以为是在理发店,我说是自己染的之后女生们惊呼..自己也是很喜欢这个颜色,开心的不要不要的。每天都是好心情。完全值得爱美妹子们买买买。还买了其他颜色,准备一一尝试。