# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Yami also has mochi, red bean and matcha ice cream from Imuraya Japan. buy buy buy! The 5 white yuan dong dong above are mochi. My favorite is this part. The taste is soft and delicate. Does not stick to teeth. The bottom layer is red beans. Some sweet. But the matcha ice cream with the next layer is really just right. The bottom matcha flavored ice cream is very "original". Why are the double quotes added? Because the original taste is not sweet. It also has the bitterness of matcha tea. So I always eat it with red beans. It's sweet but not greasy. It was all eaten within a few minutes. Couldn't resist opening another box. Then. Then wait for a friend to wrap me sushi and continue dinner!
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yami_featured_image # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 亚米居然也有日本井村屋的麻薯红豆抹茶冰淇淋. 买买买! 上面5颗白色元咚咚的就是麻薯了. 我最喜欢的就是这个part. 口感柔软细腻. 不粘牙. 下层是红豆. 有些甜. 但是配再下一层的抹茶冰淇淋真的就刚刚好了. 底层的抹茶味冰淇淋很“原味”. 为什么加了双引号呢? 因为真的原味到不甜.还带着点抹茶的苦涩. 所以我都是搭配着红豆一起吃. 就甜而不腻了. 没到几分钟居然都吃完了. 忍不住又开了一盒. 然后.然后等着朋友给我包寿司继续晚餐!