# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # In China, I really like to drink the Four Seasons Spring Tea from the milk tea shop. Hehe, I saw this pineapple Four Seasons Spring Tea in Netease Yanxuan and decided to place an order~ There are 15 bags in a box, which is quite large. The box was deformed in transit, but it was fine inside. There are large pieces of freeze-dried pineapple in the tea bag, which smells so sweet and sweet. The tea leaves are oolong tea. In fact, the pineapple flavor is not very strong, but the taste of the tea is very positive, slightly sweet. One pack can be soaked for a day, and it still smells after refilling with water many times. It seems that you can indeed drink the taste of the four seasons with a sip of tea haha~ This tea bag can also be cold brewed with milk, that is, put the tea bag in the milk and put it in the refrigerator to steep overnight, and you can drink the Four Seasons Spring Milk Tea the next morning🥤
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 在国内就超级喜欢喝奶茶店的四季春茶嘿嘿,在网易严选看到这款凤梨四季春茶就果断下单啦~ 一盒有15袋,量还是蛮大的。盒子的运输途中压变形了,但里面没什么影响。 茶包里有大块的冻干凤梨,闻起来好香好甜,茶叶是乌龙茶。泡出来其实凤梨味不是很浓,不过茶的味道很正,微微一点甜。一包可以泡一天,重新加水很多次之后依然有味道。 好像的确可以一口茶喝到四季的味道哈哈~ 这款茶包也可以用牛奶冷泡,就是把茶包放进牛奶里放冰箱泡隔夜,第二天早上就可以喝到四季春奶茶啦🥤