# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Zojirushi Rice Cooker is highly recommended to grab it for the Double Eleven spike! The Zojirushi rice cooker that I bought some time ago, my mother and I are both recommended by everyone. The older generation probably couldn’t sleep at night without rice for a day, and they always felt like they were not full. Our second elder is just that. Once, it has only one function in the hands of our second old man, which is to cook dry rice. The porridge is cooked in an instant pot. I don't understand the mystery of this. It takes about an hour to cook rice. tasty! The same rice cooked in different pots is different. This time I saw a good discount and quickly bought it as a gift, so I didn’t open the box. I bought it early and there will be a spike tomorrow. It seems like I can grab it. It's like 🙈, I'm going to grab another one tomorrow and give it away😂. I have 10 cups of rice, and there are 5 cups. Tomorrow's seckill will only have 10 cups, dear friends, look forward to grabbing it! Duck! I hope there will be good things on Double Eleven!
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 象印电饭锅 强烈推荐双十一秒杀抢起来!前段时间入的象印电饭锅我和老妈两人都是逢人必推.老一辈人一天没有大米饭夜里估计都睡不着,老觉得没吃饱似的,我们家二老就是.之前晒过一次,它在我们家二老手里只有一个功能就是煮干饭,稀饭用instant pot煮,这其中之奥妙我也不大懂😂,煮饭大约一小时,时间久了点但是煮出来的饭特好吃!同样的米不同的锅煮出来的大米饭也不一样,这次看到好折扣赶紧入了个送人,所以就不拆箱子了,买早了明天还有秒杀,说得好像我能抢到似的🙈,明天准备再抢一把送人😂.我这款是10杯米的,还有五杯的,明天的秒杀只有10杯的哦,亲们看好抢!冲鸭!希望双十一那天还有好东西!