# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #Chen Yunbaoquan's dim sum is all handmade, with high-quality ingredients and no preservatives, making it more secure to eat. Although this is a moon cake, it is not at all different from traditional moon cakes. It is more like a snack such as egg yolk cake. It is very good for breakfast. The crust is very crisp and the layers are distinct. The filling is not as firm as Yudanbo, and it tastes like a soufflé, soft and melts in your mouth. It has a rich taste with the addition of white phoenix beans, raisins, and dried cranberries.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #陈允宝泉的点心都是手工制作,用料优质,没有防腐剂,吃起来比较安心。这款虽然说是月饼,但是和传统月饼一点也不一样,更像蛋黄酥之类的点心,做早餐很不错。 饼皮特别酥,层次分明。内馅没有御丹波那样紧实,吃起来很像奶酥,绵软又入口即化,加了白凤豆和葡萄干、蔓越莓干,味道挺丰富的。