I love extracting masks. Reason 1⃣️ is very affordable. 2⃣️This is a good morning mask. Put it on after washing your face, because of the smell of orange, lemon, and mint, it feels cool to use! 🥶 Super comfortable! 3⃣️The sense of ritual in the morning. After washing your face and applying the serum, apply the mask. Take it easy and make a cup of coffee. Great for starting the day slowly on weekends. If you are busy at work on weekdays, it is not recommended to use it. will lose the fun. 4⃣️Do not use more than ten minutes. Because the design is a one-minute fast mask. So don't leave it on your face for too long. I usually take 5-10 minutes. 💗Three boxes have been empty, and will continue to repurchase. # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #
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我很喜欢抽取面膜。原因之1⃣️很实惠。 2⃣️这款是早安面膜。洗完脸敷上,因为有橘子,柠檬,和薄荷的味道,使用感凉凉的!🥶超舒服! 3⃣️早晨的仪式感。洗完脸,上完精华后,敷上面膜。悠然的去煮一杯咖啡。很适合周末慢慢开启一天。如果平日上班忙的话,不推荐使用。会失去乐趣。 4⃣️使用时间不要超过十分钟哦。因为设计的是一分钟快速面膜。所以不要在脸上留太久。我一般会用个5-10分钟。 💗已经空盒三盒,还会继续回购哦。 # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #