# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Newcomer posting for the first time? The sauce-flavored Wujiang mustard is highly recommended! ! ! The best! ! ! The best in this series! ! ! In addition, the bamboo shoots in Figure 1 are the most delicious in this series. They have a mild taste and are just right when paired with heavy dishes such as fish-flavored shredded pork with plums and vegetables. Moreover, a bag of 3 knives is enough for two people to eat for two meals, which is quite cost-effective to reason. The other is the durian-flavored mooncake... To be fair, I don't recommend it very much... But it's better than cheap.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 新人首次晒单?非常推荐酱香味的乌江榨菜!!!最好吃!!!这个系列最好吃的!!!另外图1这个笋是这个系列里最好吃的了,味儿淡,配上鱼香肉丝梅菜扣肉之类的重口菜刚刚好。而且3刀多一袋子够两个人吃两顿,讲道理是挺划算的。另外就是那个榴莲味的月饼……讲道理我不是非常推荐哈……不过胜在便宜。