# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # This braised noodle is cheap and delicious, and I have repurchased it many times! The flour inside is wet rice flour with no added preservatives. It can be cooked in hot water for two or three minutes. It can also be brewed in boiling water or heated in a microwave oven, which is very convenient. The taste is very smooth and smooth. The ingredients are sour beans, dried radish, and peanuts, which are also rich. The most impressive thing is the taste of the marinade. It feels like a soup made with a lot of spices, and the marinade is very heavy. The powder is very tasty after mixing.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 这个卤粉便宜又好吃,已经回购过很多次啦! 里面的粉是湿米粉,不添加防腐剂。热水煮两三分钟就熟了,开水冲泡或者微波炉加热也可以,特别方便。口感很Q弹顺滑。配料有酸豆角、萝卜干、花生米,也比较丰富。 印象最深刻的是卤汁的味道,感觉是用了很多香料熬出来的汤,卤味很重。粉拌好以后很入味。