# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # This time, I added some shredded mustard mustard to make the dried plum and vegetable patty, and it was very fragrant! The cake can be baked a little thinner. After it cools, take a toaster to bake it, and the outside is very crispy. When you are hungry, you can break a small piece to eat, which is fragrant and crispy.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #这次做梅干菜肉饼加了一些雪菜榨菜丝,切得碎碎的,真的太香了! 饼可以烙的薄一点,凉了以后拿吐司机烤一下,外面很焦脆。饿的时候掰一小块吃,又香又酥脆。