# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #This friendly white-haired plain noodles is affordable, the quantity is sufficient, and I often repurchase. The noodles are very thin, and the bundles are separated, which is convenient when cooking. Usually boiled in boiling water for three or four minutes, the noodles are soft and smooth. Homemade egg noodles and minced meat noodles are delicious.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #这款友白发素面价格实惠,量又足,经常回购。面很细,一捆一捆分开,煮的时候很方便。一般开水里煮三四分钟就熟了,面条细软爽滑。做家常鸡蛋面、肉末拌面都很好吃。