Dr jart+Silver Pill Mask/Black Pill Mask It's a very interesting mask hahaha👍 ➡️How to use: Step 1: Cleanse. Step 2: Toner Step 3: Apply the black mask. Massage with your fingertips to activate the bubbles. Step 4: After 20 minutes, remove the mask, wipe it with water, and then complete the skin care steps normally. Step 5: This is the cleansing mask, twice a week is enough. ➡️Use experience This is a cleansing and moisturizing mask. When you use it, it will bubble up, which is very healing So I'd say it's very interesting. Also very special. I heard that the number of bubbles varies from person to person, and not everyone will have a lot of bubbles. But I don't think I did the massage I mentioned above. The first time I applied it, I didn't massage it at all, and it just came out a little lather. When I was about to take it off, I pressed it for a while, and the bubbles suddenly came out. 🆕The photos are: just applied, five minutes, fifteen minutes of bubble comparison. 💗Summary: Full of fun. The cleaning ability is medium, and the ritual sense is small. The box is empty, and will continue to repurchase. # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #
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Dr jart+银丸面膜/黑丸面膜 是一款趣味性极高的面膜哈哈哈👍 ➡️使用方法: 第一步:洁面。 第二步:爽肤水 第三步:敷上黑色的面膜。用指腹按摩一下,激活泡泡。 第四步:20分钟后,取下面膜,可以清水擦拭,然后正常完成护肤步骤。 第五步:这是清洁效果的面膜,每周两次就可以了。 ➡️使用感受 这是一款以清洁补水功效为主的面膜, 用的时候会滋啦滋啦起泡泡,非常治愈 所以我说趣味性很高。也很特别。听说气泡的多少因人而异,不一定每个人都会起很多泡泡。但是我觉得是没进行我上述的按摩。我第一次敷时候完全没按摩,就出来一丢丢泡。等要取下来时按了一小会,泡泡突然都出来了。 🆕照片分别是:刚敷上,五分钟,十五分钟的泡泡对比图。 💗总结:趣味感十足。清洁能力中等,仪式感小物。已经空盒一盒,还会继续回购哦。 # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #