# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Our family has repurchased this Yuan Xian's Chengdu Cold Noodles seven or eight times. It's really convenient and tastes great. It is written on the package that it can be eaten directly after opening it and mixing it, or it can be eaten with a little ding in the microwave. After trying a variety of eating methods, I think the best way to eat is👇 1⃣️Keep it in the refrigerator for cold storage 2⃣️Pour the noodles into a plate, pour a little water on the surface, about 5ml is enough. Put it in the microwave for 1 minute. 3⃣️After the heat is finished, stir the noodles first, then add the seasoning and mix well. When eating like this, the noodles are basically still cold, not too cold, and they will not have a hard core, and the noodles are very Q-blastic. After a little heat, the seasoning will be more evenly mixed and more flavorful. The preparation process only takes one or two minutes. It is super convenient to eat at noon, and it is also very convenient to take it to the office to eat.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 这款袁鲜的成都凉面我们家已经回购了七八次了,真的太方便,味道也超棒。 包装上写的是拆开来拌一拌就可以直接吃,也可以微波炉稍微叮一下吃。在试验了多种吃法之后,我觉得最好吃的方法是👇 1⃣️平时放冰箱冷藏储存 2⃣️面条倒在盘子里,表面稍微淋一点水,5ml左右就够了。放到微波炉里转1分钟。 3⃣️热完之后先把面拌开,然后加入调料搅拌均匀就好了。 这样吃的时候面条基本还是凉的,太不会太冰,而且不会有硬芯,面条很Q弹。微微热一下之后,调料会更好拌均匀,更入味。 准备过程就一两分钟,中午吃吃超级方便,带到办公室里吃也很方便。