# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # This egg roll is really too cute! I have been planting grass for a long time, and I bought it back when I bought a bread machine some time ago~ There are 10 small bags in a big bag, and each small bag contains 2 flat egg rolls. This is the first time to eat egg rolls of this shape😂 The small packaging is so cute, the faces of ducks and ducks are directed at you, and I feel very happy to see them~ Bought my favorite salted egg yolk flavor. I originally thought that the whole thing was a salty snack, similar to the crispy and fragrant original egg roll with a little salted egg yolk sauce added. But after the entrance, I found that the whole thing is still sweet, the sauce in the middle can taste the taste of salted egg yolk, but it is a little sweet. Value for money I think it's okay. The portion is not big but the total price is not too expensive. It's good to eat it as a sweet snack.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 这款蛋卷实在是太太太可爱了!种草了很久,前段时间买面包机的时候凑单买回来的~ 一大袋里面有10小包,每小包里面有2根扁扁的蛋卷,第一次吃这个形状的蛋卷😂 小包装简直萌化了,一张张鸭鸭的脸冲着你,看着都觉得很开心~ 买了我最爱的咸蛋黄口味。 本来以为整体是一个咸口的点心,类似于酥香的原味蛋卷里加了点咸蛋黄酱的感觉。但是入口之后发现整体还是甜口的,中间的酱可以吃出咸蛋黄的味道,但有一丢丢甜腻了。 性价比我觉得还可以。 分量确实不大但是总价也不是特别贵。把它当作一个甜口小零食来吃的话,还是不错的。