# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Peach gum is a kind of light yellow and transparent natural resin, known as the bird's nest of the common people. It has high nutritional value, and has the effect of invigorating Qi, nourishing the middle, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. Women eat more peach gum, which can help digestion of the stomach and intestinal absorption. , Stew peach gum, white fungus and rock sugar together, which can beautify the body and make the skin smoother and more elastic.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 桃膠是一種淺黃色透明的天然樹脂,被譽為平民的燕窩,營養價值高,有益氣補中、養陰潤燥的功效,女性多吃桃膠,可幫助胃的消化和腸道吸收力,將桃膠和銀耳、冰糖一同燉煮,能對身體起到美容養顏的作用,使皮膚更加光滑、有彈性,吃起來QQ的就讓皮膚QQ