# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Salonpas For low back pain, which is necessary at home, stick it on the ㄧ block. If it is cool for a long time, it will feel a little tingling. It has a strong mint flavor. I like it when it is hot. It is warm and comfortable, especially before going to bed to relax the body. Sleep, but don't stick it for too long, I'm afraid of allergies
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 撒隆巴斯 家中必備的腰痠背痛就貼上ㄧ塊,涼的貼久了會涼的有点刺痛感,薄荷味濃,熱的個人比較喜歡,溫暖很舒服,尤其是睡前貼上讓身體放鬆好睡,不過也不能貼太久,怕過敏