# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Lanzhou beef noodles can't be said to be exactly the same, only that it has nothing to do with haha, but the taste is really fragrant and delicious, non-fried noodles are healthier, chewy and taste good, just need to boil water Five minutes of fragrant noodles will be done, and you will be richer by adding some ingredients yourself.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 兰州牛肉面,不能说一摸一样,只能说是毫无关系哈哈,但是味道是真的又香又好吃,非油炸的面条吃着更健康,有嚼劲口感好,只需要沸水泡五分钟一份香喷喷的粉面就搞定啦,自己加点材料就更丰富了