# 爱吃又想瘦 # # 高颜值美食 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # Happy order Happy life! # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Wow! I actually bought the peach gum I was thinking about, and I bought it at half price! I have eaten the sweet soup made of peach gum at a friend's house before, and I can't forget it🥰🥰, but I have never seen such a thing in the supermarket in the past🧐🧐🧐, I found it in YAMI a few days ago, and there are many different brands! Only recently did I know that YAMI is good, and there are always unexpected gains 🤣🤣🤣, NESTLADY is a well-packaged brand I found on the Internet, but the evaluation is 2, so I am not sure whether it is good or not, but this bag 4A grade peach gum was on sale at half price at the time, I feel like I can try it. The packaging is simple and textured, and the zipper bag is also very convenient to store. The peach gum poured out has an amber color, which is really beautiful. Of course, there are still impurities in it, which is acceptable. Soak it overnight and wait for it to bubble to 10 times its original size, then remove the black impurities. Then add Tremella, rock sugar, sago and other ingredients to slow stew according to personal preference, it is a simple and delicious dessert. Peach gum is a solid natural resin that is naturally secreted from peach bark and has a yellowish-brown appearance. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, peach gum has the functions of nourishing yin and nourishing body fluids. For the busy modern people who often stay up late, the deficiency of fire is easy to damage the yin, and the body fluid is damaged, moderate consumption of peach gum, which can nourish yin and quench thirst, can indeed help the skin to be more moist and rich, as well as help moisten the intestines, The benefits of improving constipation.
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# 爱吃又想瘦 # # 高颜值美食 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # Happy order Happy life! # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 哇!竟然買到了心心念念的桃膠,而且還半價購入!之前在朋友家吃過桃膠做的甜湯就念念不忘🥰🥰,不過去超市都沒有看到過這樣的東西🧐🧐🧐,前幾日在 YAMI 亚米 找到了,而且很多不同品牌啊! 最近才知道 YAMI 亚米 的好,上去總是有意想不到的收穫🤣🤣🤣, NESTLADY 是我在網上發現包裝好精美的品牌,不過評價2極,所以我也不是很確定好不好,不過這包4A級桃膠當時半價促銷,感覺可以試試的。 到手後馬上開啟,包裝一樣簡約有質感,夾鏈袋的方式也很方便存放,倒出來的桃膠有如琥珀色澤,實在美麗,當然裡面還是夾雜雜質,一點點可以接受。泡了一夜等它泡發至原先大小的10倍後,再將黑色雜質取出。再依據個人喜好加入銀耳、冰糖、西米露等食材慢燉,就是簡單又美味的甜品。 桃膠是一種從桃樹皮中自然分泌而出,外表呈現黃褐色的固體天然樹脂。以中醫角度來看,桃膠則具有滋陰、養津液的作用。對於經常熬夜、虛火旺容易傷陰、損津液的忙碌現代人來說,適度食用桃膠這種能滋陰、生津止渴的食材,則確實有幫助皮膚較滋潤豐澤,以及輔助潤腸、改善便祕的益處。