# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # [Highly recommended] This small shortbread from Fujiya! There are 20 small packets in one big packet, and each packet contains two slices of shortbread. Each slice is full of milky fragrance, crispy and refreshing! A small piece, thousands of layers of crispy, crispy to the point of explosion! Half of them are black tea flavors. The light tea fragrance matches the crispy taste, and one mouthful is refreshing and refreshing! Half of it is butter flavor, the milky fragrance is strong, and it will not be greasy at all! A little bit of sugar is attached to the surface, sweet just right! The taste is similar to Butterfly Crisp, but it is crisper and more fragrant than Butterfly Crisp, but the sweetness is much reduced, so you can't stop taking one bite, but you won't get tired of eating more! A large package is less than $5, and the price is also super high! highly recommended! Holiday season, give you full of happiness! ! ! buy it buy it buy it! ! !
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 【强烈推荐】不二家的这款小脆饼! 一大包当中有20小包,每小包两片小脆饼。每一片都奶香十足,香酥脆爽!小小一片,千百层起酥,酥到爆炸! 其中一半是红茶口味,淡淡的茶香搭配酥脆的口感,一口一个清香舒爽! 一半是黄油口味,奶香浓浓,完全不会腻!一点点的糖附在表面,甜得恰到好处! 口感类似于蝴蝶酥,但比蝴蝶酥更脆、更香,但甜度减了许多,所以一口一个停不下来,但吃再多都不会腻! 一大包不到$5,性价比也是超级高!强烈推荐! Holiday season,给你满满的幸福感!!! 买它买它买它!!!