# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # Cal B Fruit Cereal Cereal Breakfast in a hurry on weekdays is always all kinds of bread Fruit Cereal with Fruit Yogurt delicious simple and delicious This cereal has a strong coconut flavor Contains freeze-dried strawberries, apple slices, papaya diced, raisins, pumpkin seeds, almond slices The main grains are: Oats, rye, bran, brown rice and corn 7 grams of added sugar per 3/4 cup So it is best to pair with plain yogurt Wash the fruit the night before The next morning, just pour yogurt into the bowl add oatmeal, top with fruit, add some nuts Fragrant, crispy, sweet and sour Provide healthy nutrition in the morning👍
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 卡乐B 水果谷物麦片 工作日急匆匆的早餐总是各式面包 水果谷物麦片搭配水果酸奶 好吃简单又美味 这款麦片有很浓的椰香味 里面有冻干草莓、苹果片、木瓜粒、葡萄干、南瓜子、杏仁片 主要谷物有: 燕麦、黑麦、麦麸、糙米和玉米 每3/4杯里有7克添加糖 所以搭配原味酸奶最合适 前一晚洗好水果 第二天一早只要碗里倒进酸奶 加上麦片 铺上水果 再加一些坚果 香香脆脆 甜甜酸酸 提供一早上的营养健康👍