Egg Roll Lover Certified! Although it is not as crispy as imagined, it still has a crispy taste. There are 4 boxes in a pack, each box contains 5 pieces, and the price is affordable. Made with conscience, the egg taste is full, the sweetness is just right, and it sells well, at least there is no broken egg roll. If there is a carpet at home but there are students who do not wash the dust often, it is recommended to use a napkin as the bottom when eating, because the egg rolls are still full of broken pieces.
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蛋捲愛好者認證! 雖然沒有想像的那麼脆但是酥脆的口感還是有的,一包內有4盒每盒含5個,價格實惠。良心製造,蛋味十足,甜度恰好,賣相不錯,起碼沒有收到碎掉的蛋捲。 如果家裡有地毯但有不常洗塵的同學建議吃的時候拿餐巾紙墊底,因為蛋捲的碎碎還是滿多的。