# 摸着良心来种草啦 # The rice noodles I just repurchased yesterday are really strong and delicious. Most of the repurchased rice noodles are because of this powder, and it is very convenient. It can be boiled or heated in the microwave, which is super convenient. I just received it last night and I couldn't help eating it today. I bought 5 packs and opened 4 packs, as shown in picture 4. One pack of powder is obviously different from picture 1. I can smell the sour taste when I open the pack. The powder is still rotten, it melted before it was cooked... It's rotten, this package is thrown into the trash directly🚮... I hope that Yami will be more rigorous in the next delivery, otherwise, if the buyer who is trying the product for the first time receives this package of fans in Figure 4, it will be greatly discounted 😌
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 昨天刚刚回购的米粉,这个粉真的很有劲道很好吃,回购这个米粉大部分是因为这个粉,而且很方便,煮开或者微波炉加热就可以,超级方便。 昨晚刚刚收到今天就忍不住开吃了,买了5包开了4包,如图四,有一包那个粉明显跟图一的不一样,开包能闻到酸酸的味道,而且粉还是烂的,还没煮就融化了……是烂的,这一包直接扔垃圾桶🚮了… 希望亚米下次发货能严谨一些,要不然如果是第一次尝试产品的买家收到了这包图四的粉,那会大打折扣的😌