# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Oh my God, this rice noodle is so precious! It's my favorite thin rice noodles! And the sauce package inside is absolutely amazing, right? The sesame sauce tastes very good! If the taste is bland, you can leave it out. This is really the best instant rice noodles I have ever eaten! Don't be out of stock!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 天呐 这个米线太宝藏了!是我最爱的细米线!而且里面的酱料包简直绝了好吗,麻酱味特别足!如果口味淡的可以不用放完。这真的是我吃过最最最好吃的速食米线了!千万别断货!