# 摸着良心来种草啦 # The Acquired Rate Dan 7-piece set that I got a few days ago in seconds. The effect of moisturizing, extreme anti-wrinkle, yellowing, and brightening is really a set to solve all the needs of dry skin It's a good deal to grab a set when the price is very beautiful! The face value is too high, very delicate, I can't bear to touch it when I open the box. The outer box can also be used. In turn, it can be used to put skin care products. The box is too textured. I am very envious of dry skin. Many products can be bought with my eyes closed. When I see this package, I want to buy a set myself. It is really too advanced, and the online reviews of the effect are unanimous. This set is full of sense of luxury in my hand!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 前几天秒杀到手的后 天率丹 7件套套装 补水保湿极致抗皱祛黄提亮之功效 真的是一套搞定干性肌肤的所有需求 家姐干性肌肤用后基础套装效果都好好 这次看到秒杀 价格很美丽 就抢了套 很划算!颜值太高了 非常精致 开箱都舍不得碰 外盒还可以利用 反过来可以放护肤品 盒子太有质感了 封面的图标加上深蓝中带点墨色的盒子除了高级还是高级! 特羡慕干性皮肤 很多产品都可以闭着眼睛买 看到这包装都想自己也入一套 真的是太高级了 而且功效网评一致的好 这一套拿在手里满满的高级感!