# 摸着良心来种草啦 # A childhood snack full of memories, my favorite biscuits when I was a child, I remember it used to be called "Lotte Bear Cake", only the classic chocolate flavor, and now the Chinese name is changed to "koala", in fact, koala is a koala, sure. Looking at it, it should still be the one I ate when I was a child! I found that there are not only the classic chocolate flavors, but also strawberry flavors and matcha flavors. Some time ago, a mango flavor was also launched. I have always wanted to try it but never had a chance. In addition to the basic flavors, LOTTE will often release limited flavors according to the season or schedule! This time, I bought the strawberry flavor from YAMI, which is what I have always wanted to try. As soon as you open the package, you can smell a little sour like a real strawberry, but after eating it, it feels really sweet, sweet and sweet, but the biscuits are very crunchy. There is a cute koala printed with caramel on each small cookie. Basically, the shapes of these koalas will not be repeated in a package. It is said that with the increase in the sales period, the types of patterns continue to increase. Over the years There are nearly 500 different designs in total, which is quite novel. These small biscuits are made of koalas first painted on the crust of the hollow biscuits, and then filled with fillings, so you will see a small hole behind each bear!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 充滿回憶的童年零食,小時候最愛吃的小餅乾,記得以前好像是叫「樂天熊仔餅」,只有經典的巧克力口味,現在中文名改成「考拉」,其實考拉就是無尾熊,確定過眼神,應該還是小時候吃的那一款! 發現現在不只是經典的巧克力口味,還有草莓口味和抹茶口味,前段時間還推出了一款芒果口味的,一直想試試但卻一直沒機會。除了基本的口味之外, LOTTE 乐天 經常也會因應季節或檔期推出限定口味喔! 這次在 YAMI 亚米 買到草莓口味,也是我一直想要試試的。一打開包裝後立刻可以聞到就像是真的草莓的一點點酸味,不過等到吃下去後感覺是真的很甜很甜很甜,但餅乾是非常鬆脆的口感。 每一個小餅乾上都有一隻用焦糖印刷的可愛考拉,這些考拉的造型基本上在一包裡不會發現有重複的,據說隨著銷售時期漸增圖案種類也持續增加,多年來一共出現了近500種不同是設計,也是覺得挺新奇的。這些小餅乾都是先在空心餅乾的餅皮上畫上考拉的圖案後,再注入餡料而成的餅乾食品,所以會看到每一個小熊的背後都有一個小洞喔!