# 摸着良心来种草啦 # If you like to eat jelly, don't miss this Japanese SHIRAKIKU Sanukiya Jelly Coconut Nutella! Originally, the jelly is already delicious, suitable for all ages, plus a large piece of lychee pulp, which makes it refreshing and sweet. After a meal, I make one for dessert, and I take one to quench my thirst when I go out. I like it very much!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 喜欢吃果冻的不要错过这款日本SHIRAKIKU赞岐屋果冻爽椰果粒呀!本来果冻已经很好吃了,老少咸宜,再加上大块荔枝果肉,倍添爽口清甜,饭后来一个做甜点,出门带一个解馋解渴,非常喜欢!