The first post was introduced by my friend moonma. This honey was given to me by my friend Amway. I originally planned to try it out, but when I came across Yami's discount, I hurriedly entered all kinds of flavors. Mango, apple, lemon, grapefruit, cherries and blueberries. Personally, I like lemon the most, but the children at home prefer cherry flavored ones. The taste of the juice is very strong, not the usual honey, and the little kid who never drinks water actually started to ask for water himself. Thank you so much Yami. In particular, I want to talk about its bottle mouth design, which is convenient and clean, unlike other honeys that always get everywhere. Don't miss it when it's on sale. # 你$3我$3 新人晒单 #
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首晒单,朋友moonma介绍的。这个蜂蜜是朋友安利给我的。本来就打算试试看,正好碰到亚米打折,就赶紧各种口味都入了。芒果,苹果,柠檬,柚子,樱桃和蓝莓。个人最喜欢柠檬,但家里的小朋友更喜欢樱桃味的。喝起来果汁的味道很浓,不是平常那种蜂蜜的味道,从不喝水的小屁孩居然开始 自己要水喝了。真的是太感谢亚米了。这里特别要说一下它的瓶口设计,又方便又干净,不像别的蜂蜜那样总是弄的到处都是。打折的时候千万不要错过喔。# 你$3我$3 新人晒单 #