The first post was introduced by my friend moonma. I really like Taiwan Chen Yun Baoquan's pastry. It's a real delicacy in the world. Of all the flavors, I like Taro Crisp and Yudanbo the most. Here I would like to highlight Yudanbo, the delicate white phoenix bean paste is dotted with delicious red beans, and the raw cheese is packed in the middle, which is amazing. Once you take a bite, the taste is dense and the mouth is full of rich aroma, and one is gone before you can react. Putting it in the oven for a while is even more delicious. If I can eat without gaining weight, I can eat a whole box at a time. Let's go try it now. # 你$3我$3 新人晒单 #
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首晒单,朋友moonma介绍的。真的太喜欢台湾陈允宝泉这个糕点了,真正的人间美味。这么多口味中我最喜欢芋头酥和御丹波。这里我要着重夸一下御丹波,细致的白凤豆沙中点缀着一颗颗美味的红豆,最中间包装生乳酪,颜值爆表。一口咬下去口感绵密,满口浓郁的香气,还没反应过来一颗就这么没了。放在烤箱里烤一会儿味道更是绝绝子。如果吃东西能不胖我一次能吃下一整盒。大家赶紧去试一试吧。# 你$3我$3 新人晒单 #