# 摸着良心来种草啦 # This time, I found a new treasure snack in Yami, Hong Kong Yuanchu Yuantong Food Freeze-dried Yellow Peach, which is really delicious. As a serious lover of peaches, it is really addicting. A very large box, there are about 15 packets in it, and each packet contains many pieces of dehydrated freeze-dried yellow peaches. In addition to the fragrance of peaches, it is really a crispy, fragrant, melt-in-your-mouth taste, fresh Sweet, refreshing and long aftertaste. I highly recommend it to you, it's really worth trying!
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yami_featured_image # 摸着良心来种草啦 # 这次在亚米发现了一个新的宝藏零食,香港元初元童食品冻干黄桃,真的太好吃了,作为一个桃子的重症爱好者,实在是大呼过瘾。挺大的一箱子,里面大约是15小包,每一包都有很多片脱水的冻干黄桃,除了有桃子的清香之外,那真是一个嘎嘣脆喷喷香,入口即化的口感,鲜甜,爽口,回味绵长。强烈推荐给你们,真的太值得尝尝了!