# 摸着良心来种草啦 # I believe that girls who are a little more delicate now don't wash their faces with towels. Because washing your face with a towel is really, really, really easy to breed bacteria. So what do you use without a towel? The answer is cotton pads. There are many brands of soft cotton towels in China. The one I want to recommend today is called Mei Ze. Yami has a complete line of cotton towelettes. There are thick/thin/removable/individual packaging, etc. This time I bought the pearl pattern pull-out cotton soft towel. Because this is the thickened version. The texture is really thick. Very very tear resistant. And the raw materials of the material are all from natural fibers. Very skin friendly. Soft. Safe. There are 70 draws in this box. Yami price 7.99. I think it's good for stocking up. Use this cotton towel every time you wash your face. I'm using it to wipe the table or something. Really kills two birds with one stone. highly recommended.
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 我相信现在稍有一点精致的女孩们都不用毛巾洗脸了. 因为毛巾洗脸真的真的真的太容易滋生细菌了. 所以不用毛巾用什么? 答案是棉柔巾呀. 国内现在好多棉柔巾的品牌都很不错. 今天想推荐的这款叫美则. 亚米上的美则棉柔巾系列很全. 有厚的/薄的/抽取式/独立包装等. 我这次入的是珍珠纹款抽取式棉柔巾. 因为这款是加厚版的. 质地真的很厚实. 非常非常耐撕. 而且材质的原材料都是来自天然纤维的. 很亲肤.柔软.安全. 这样一盒里有70抽. 亚米价7.99. 我觉得很适合囤囤囤. 每次用这棉柔巾洗完脸. 在用它擦擦桌子什么的. 真的一举两得. 强烈推荐.