# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Amino mason Amino Acid Shampoo The explosion of Xiaohongshu is said to be the savior of oil heads The biggest trouble with oily heads is that the hair sticks to the scalp If you don't wash your hair for two days, you can probably cook. Recently, my life has been messy after going to work, and it is easy to get oily After using this shampoo recently, my hair is noticeably fluffy! Washed clean and not astringent, really worthy of being an internet celebrity!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Amino mason氨基酸洗发水 小红书爆款 据说是油头救星 油头最大的烦恼 就是头发贴头皮 两天不洗头 估计都能炒菜了 最近上班后生活作息乱糟糟 特容易出油 最近用了这款洗发水后 明显感觉头发蓬起来了! 洗的干净 也不会涩涩的 真不愧是网红!