# 摸着良心来种草啦 # A warm cup of barley tea in winter Instantly warms the whole body and warms the stomach and relieves greasy~ 🌾This barley tea comes in a box of six packs 🌾Each pack contains five separate tea bags 🌾Each tea bag is enough to make a big pot 🌾Durable foaming~ 🌾The aroma of wheat is mellow and sweet~ 💖Barley tea itself has the function of invigorating the spleen and digestion 💖It can also benefit qi and stomach on days when the activity is reduced in winter There are many benefits~
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 冬日里来上一杯暖乎乎的大麦茶 瞬间全身温暖 且暖胃解腻~ 🌾这款大麦茶 一盒六包 🌾每一包又包含五个独立茶包 🌾每个茶包都足够泡上一大壶 🌾经久耐泡~ 🌾麦香醇厚,且有回甜~ 💖大麦茶本身具有健脾消食的功能 💖冬日里活动量减少的日子里 还可以益气健胃 好处多多哟~