# 摸着良心来种草啦 # I finally got Kurume tonkotsu ramen. It is said that Kurume is the ancestor of tonkotsu ramen. It is characterized by rich tonkotsu soup. One pack for two people, two packs of seasoning oil and two packs of seasoning, the oil in the ingredients is very fragrant. Is it a legend? lard? The fragrant smell wafts out when you just put the oil bag. Don't cook the noodles for too long, about three minutes is enough, add some ingredients, and immediately become taller! highly recommended!
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # 终于吃到久留米豚骨拉面,据说久留米是豚骨拉面的始祖,以浓郁的豚骨汤为特征.一包两人份,两包调料油两包调料,料包油非常香难道就是传说中的猪油?刚下油包时香喷喷的味道就飘出来了,面条不要煮太久,三分钟左右就可以了,加了点配料,立马变高大上了!强烈推荐!