# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 4. Let’s recommend #shengxiangzhengreenpeas spicy flavor#. Dian Bin, who can't eat spicy food, said that he can eat a little bit. It's not very spicy, and the seasoning is very, very, very good, although I can't tell how good it is... Tianchao's small snacks are very seasoned. The last time I ate spicy green beans was when I was a sophomore in high school... I went to the canteen in front of my house once. Later, his family didn't even get this product. When I was in college, I searched on Taobao, but it didn't. After so many years, I saw that Yami was buying and I immediately placed the order without hesitation! ! ! I have tried both the garlic crab roe and the spicy one, and I personally think the spicy one is the best! It's not that I recommend spicy flavors because I love spicy food, but the seasoning of spicy flavors is really better than other styles... In addition, this is a large-sized version with a small package hidden in a large package, and the back reads 20 grams (no I know what unit it is)*12 servings, there are actually 24 small bags in it...it's delicious...I really like this kind of small bag stuff, it's just good to eat a bag at a time to satisfy my cravings! Wireless repurchase and crazy recommendation!
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 4.来推荐一下 #盛香珍青豆 香辣味#。不能吃辣的呆斌表示也能吃一点,不是非常辣,调味非常非常非常的好,虽然我也说不出来是怎么个好法…天朝小零食调味博大精深。我上次吃香辣味的青豆是在高二……家门口的小卖部上过一次,袋子比这个小,一打开里面一大包的那种。后来他家死活也不上这款了,我大学时还上淘宝上搜,但是没有。时隔这么多年看到亚米在买我立刻毫不犹豫的下单了!!! 蒜味蟹黄和香辣我都吃过,个人觉得香辣的最好吃!不是说我爱吃辣才特殊推荐香辣味,而是香辣味的调味真的比别的款好….另外这个是大包装里藏小包装的大分量款,背面写着20公克(不知道是个啥单位)*12份,实际上里面有24个小袋子……吃的好爽…我真的很喜欢这种小袋子装的东西,一次吃一下袋解解馋刚刚好!无线回购并且疯狂推荐!