# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 5. Let’s recommend #王家多 Grilled Fish Sauce#. It's very similar to the Dahongpao's spicy hot pot ingredients I bought, but it's much better, the Dahongpao's is too salty. I tried two pieces of swai pangasius and small rapeseed balls. What kind of angelfish is a pangasius! It is my favorite fish! ! ! The best fish to go with grilled fish! However, you can't buy st0 fish tofu here in the United States. Otherwise, if you add enoki mushrooms, it will basically taste similar to the grilled fish I ate at the top-floor store in the Northeast shopping mall. And the grilled fish in the store is generally very salty, this seasoning will be a little lighter, which is not bad. I probably won't go to the store to eat grilled fish again when I go back to China...because I can buy this seasoning and make it myself!
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 5.来推荐一下 #王家渡 烤鱼料#。跟我买的大红袍的麻辣香锅料很像,不过要好很多,大红袍那个可太咸了。拿了两条swai巴沙鱼片和小油菜丸子之类的试做了一下。巴沙鱼是什么神仙鱼!不愧是我最爱的鱼!!!和烤鱼最配的鱼! 不过美国这边买不到带馅的鱼豆腐,不然如果再加上金针菇,基本上就跟我在东北商场顶楼店里吃的那种烤鱼味道差不多了。而且店里的烤鱼一般都很咸,这个调料口味会淡一点点,还挺好的。大概以后回国了我也不会再去店里吃烤鱼了...因为可以买这个调料自己做!